Venues in Spain

Custom performance tours and choral festivals in Spain since 1995

Best Venues in Spain

It has been a while since we started organizing concerts and events in Spain for musical ensembles and always choosing the right venues where we could get the warmest and larger audiences and the best possible acoustic conditions.

We have worked with many venues and calendars over the years. Venues such a bullring for a wind ensemble, inside a medieval church in Old Castile, main spectacular auditoriums around Spain or just in a quiet and charm garden.

We use to work every year on over 70 concerts per season, in addition to our Pueblos Blancos Music Festival and our Castile International Choral Festival!

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Choral Venues

Choral groups have the privilege to sing inside ancient temples from Roman times; beautiful basilicas, Visigoth and Romanesque Churches or Gothic Cathedrals, where the sound of their voices and its music will be in the air…

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Orchestras y Ensembles Venues

For instrumental ensembles, we can offer an excellent selection of venues, both indoor and outdoor: Symphony Halls, Modern Auditoriums, Classical-Style Theatres or Conservatory Halls are some of the best examples all over Spain.

During summer, most of the cultural activities are outdoors, and your orchestra or wind ensemble will be able to perform in beautiful plazas or corners in the medieval squares – in front of incredible audiences, and as a part of some of the best music festivals in Europe in Granada, Segovia or Santander.

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We will love to hear from you and your interest at any time!

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25 Years organizing concert tours and music festivals in Spain

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